Nutrition Update: New product just released

 Product Name: >Hoodia<

 What it does:

 - Suppress your appetite and feel full and satisfied all day long
 - Boost your energy levels
 - Lose excess (w)-(e)-(i)-(g)-(h)-(t)
 - Boost your metabolism
 - Burn body (f)-(a)-(t)
 - Burn calories
 - Attack obesity

 This product was just featured on 60 Minutes, and the BBC New report on Sept 
12th, 2005

 Further Information:

 Tough decisionsOphelia is the seventh hurricane in this yearÂ’s busy Atlantic 
hurricane season, which began June 1 and ends Nov. 30. Peak storm activity 
typically occurs from the end of August through mid-September.Relatives in the 
crowd bowed their heads and sobbed as speakers uttered brief, personal messages 
to the brothers and sisters they lost, many voices breaking in sorrow.'Ring of 
Fire'The federal government Saturday abandoned its effort to prevent the media 
from reporting on the recovery of bodies in New Orleans after CNN filed a 
lawsuit. (Full story)A front approaching from the west could push the storm 
away from the coast but the likelihood of that was uncertain, he said.He 
emphasized that officials still do not know how many people died in the storm 
and flooding that ravaged New Orleans.In addition, the effort to recover bodies 
was improving so the people could be documented, families notified and the 
bodies transported.The ceremony came as Hurricane Katrina left Americans once 
again struggling with a catastrophe that caught the nation unprepared and left 
citizens dead and grieving.The ground zero ceremony paused for moments of 
silence at 8:46 a.m., the time at which a hijacked jetliner crashed into the 
north tower, at 9:03 am., the moment a second plane struck the south tower, at 
9:59 a.m., when the south tower fell and at 10:29 a.m., when the second tower 
collapsed.Federal Emergency Management Agency chief Michael Brown, who had been 
leading the relief effort, was recalled to Washington on Thursday night by 
Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff. Some people stocked up on 
groceries during the weekend even though Wilmington, on the coast of southeast 
North Carolina, had breezy, partly cloudy weather, said Warren Lee, emergency 
management director for New Hanover County."One of the things we talked about 
today was a single coordinating mechanism so I could take all those different 
forces that are flowing into a parish and make sure they were being put to the 
highest priorities of those parish residents and the presidents," he said.By 2 
p.m. EDT, Ophelia was centered 260 miles east-southeast of Charleston, S.C., 
and about 250 miles south of Cape Hatteras with maximum sustained wind at 80 
mph, the National Hurricane Center said. It had meandered slightly but 
essentially was stationary after following a wandering course since it became a 
tropical storm Wednesday off the coast of Florida.In New Orleans, New York 
firefighters helping with the relief effort gathered around a makeshift 
memorial for their fallen comrades, accepting the gift of a bell from a nearby 
church whose steeple was destroyed in the storm. (Full story)And in 
southwestern Pennsylvania, about 1,000 people attended a memorial service in 
the field where Flight 93 crashed after it was hijacked by terrorists.The Army 
Corps of Engineers revised Saturday its timetable for draining the floodwaters 
from New Orleans, saying the process should be completed in October. The corps 
said 32 of the 148 pumps in and around the city were operating as of noon 
Saturday, and Allen said pumping capacity is his top priority. (Full 
story)Federal Emergency Management Agency chief Michael Brown, who had been 
leading the relief effort, was recalled to Washington on Thursday night by 
Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff. Chaos inside, outside the levee 
wallsAllen declined to describe specifics of the plan to reporters, but said, 
"I think we know how to move forward from here." "We got a lot of good people 
on the ground here that are with FEMA and with the state agencies," he said. 
"They wear their badges, and they look good. But unfortunately, we just not 
have seen all the assets and all the resources that we need in our 
city."Hurricane Katrina had barreled into the Gulf of Mexico, and Mayfield's 
latest forecast had it smashing into New Orleans as a Category 4 or 5 storm 
Monday morning. Maestri already had 10,000 body bags in his parish, in case he 
ever got a call like this.Earlier, the president observed a moment of silence 
on the south lawn of the White House for victims of the terrorist attacks on 
September 11, 2001."The big thing is going to be what happens when the testing 
comes back -- the test results from the water that we sampled," he said. 
Compounding the natural catastrophe was a man-made one: the inability of the 
federal, state and local governments to work together in the face of a disaster 
long foretold.As the floodwaters recede and the dead are counted, what went 
wrong during a terrible week that would render a modern American metropolis of 
nearly half a million people uninhabitable and set off the largest exodus of 
people since the Civil War, is starting to become clear Federal, state and 
local officials failed to heed forecasts of disaster from hurricane experts. 
Evacuation plans, never practical, were scrapped entirely for New Orleans's 
poorest and least able. And once floodwaters rose, as had been long predicted, 
the rescue teams, medical personnel and emergency power necessary to fight back 
were nowhere to be found.Allen, chief of staff of the Coast Guard, said he had 
met with the presidents of eight parishes in the New Orleans area to discuss 
"the unity that is going to be needed to move this effort forward."Some people 
stocked up on groceries during the weekend even though Wilmington, on the coast 
of southeast North Carolina, had breezy, partly cloudy weather, said Warren 
Lee, emergency management director for New Hanover County.

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