On 2016-12-01 19:50:29, Adriano Rafael Gomes wrote:
> Hello,


> Please, Could you update the Brazilian Portuguese Translation?
> Attached you will find the file pt_BR.po. It is UTF-8 encoded and it is
> tested with msgfmt and podebconf-display-po.

I had a quick looks into file you've provided and the PT translation we already
have. I have some questions (sorry in advance if those are lame but I don't
understand Portuguese almost at all).
Are those two really so different? pt_BR.po looks slightly different but not so
much and for example line 102 for me looks like is not translated at all, do
you want to keep it that way?

If you're really happy with this po file I'll add it to the package and it
probably will find it's way into the next cloud-init release.

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|_|_|0|                  "Panta rei"                     |
|0|0|0|             -------- kuLa --------               |

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