>I have had no problems getting videos to play back ONCE through keyjnote.
>I have found that the video will only play back the first time I view the
>page. Has there been any progress on this issue?

I just figured out a way to hack the python script so that it plays the
video each times the page is entered:
look for the definition "PageEntered" in "impressive.py":

def PageEntered(update_time=True):
>    global PageEnterTime, MPlayerPID, IsZoomed, WantStatus
>    if update_time:
>        PageEnterTime = pygame.time.get_ticks() - StartTime
>    IsZoomed = False  # no, we don't have a pre-zoomed image right now
>    WantStatus = False  # don't show status unless it's changed
> interactively
>    timeout = AutoAdvance

   shown = GetPageProp(Pcurrent, '_shown', 0)
>    if not shown:

When this def has been called once, "shown" is put to "True" and the video
is not called the next time the page is entered.
The author probably had a very good reason to do that, but you might want to
try your luck and short circuit the test.
If you replace

>    shown = GetPageProp(Pcurrent, '_shown', 0)

>    shown = False

the video will then always play when you enter the page.
But beware, this might transform your graphic card in a family of hamsters
or whatever was the original drawback the author saw...
It worked fine for me, though. I couldn't see any apparent issue...

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