R,umor N'e.w+s-: On'co,logy M.e_d,. I+n-c_. (,OTC: ON.CO) a Can,cer Tre+atm'ent Sol u'tions Gro.up is s+a'i.d to h,a_v e exper-ience d o v.e_r a 100,0% inc_r+ease in reve._nues f'o*r t+h*e fi-scal 3 r d quart-er en+ding J'u.l_y , 2+0-0 7 comp-ar+ed w*i't-h t_h,e pr,ior y e-a.r w'hile fisca.l fou.rth qu arter r'esults f'o-r 2.0,0*7 a-r'e on trac+k to ex'ceed t+h.i_s ye+ar’s th.ird quar_ter resul.ts.

O N,C,O a-dditi_onally p*lans to i+ncrea-se s ervice o*ffering-s whic*h a.r,e curren t_ly unde.rw_ay. Do_n’t w-a+i.t f-o,r t_h e n*e+w-s to c o-m-e o u_t a-n,d l'o's'e t.h*e op*,portunity to g,e t in f-ront of the gene.ral inves+_ting pu'blic. Onc+ol*ogy M-e-d is in a multibilli.o,n dolla r industr'_y w h.e r.e t h_e-y a.r*e gain-ing mar*ket sha+re ra-pidly.

C'a,l-l y*o-u_r bro ker n.o,w f o,r O_N+C-O'.

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