Dear Maintainer,

I do too confirm we are having this bug regularly on every Icedove 45. Even with the recently updated 1:45.1.0-1~deb8u1. Icedove randomly crashes during normal use and we can't find a way to provoke it for audit. For some colleagues it happens 4 times a morning and for me it's 1 time ever 2 days.



On Tue, 21 Jun 2016 23:51:53 +0200 Philipp Pilhofer <> wrote:
> Am 21.06.2016 um 07:49 schrieb Laurent:
> > I have a problem those days with Icedove : when running (writting an email, searching in a list or any simple operation), it crashes. This never happened before.
> >
> I do have the same/a similar issue. It seems to happen since the latest icedove update (to > 45.1.0-1~deb8u1). For me it happens randomly when clicking on any mail, about 10 times today. After > starting icedove again, there's no problem when opening the mail clicked on before.
> The only installed addon is enigmail (from jessie repo: 1.8.2-4~deb8u1).
> I'm using icedove on two other systems in very similar configuration, I did not experience crashes
> there so far (but I wasn't using them too much lately).
> Using thunderbird/icedove for more than a decade now, never had a similar problem so far.
> Cheers,
> Philipp


John-Arthur TIMSONET
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