Package: debian-40r3-sparc-CD-1.iso installation-reports

Boot method: Installing CD #1 over 9600 modem (not finished)
Image version: debian-40r3-sparc-CD-1.iso
Date: 27.02.08

Machine: SUN Enterprise 420R
Processor: 4x450
Memory: 3GBy
Partitions: some Debian Partitioning proposed by the installer

Output of lspci -nn and lspci -vnn: ???

Base System Installation Checklist:
[E] = Error

Initial boot:           [ok]
Detect network card:    [yes 2x, also USBs and AUX]
Configure network:      [should be auto-DHCP but no success]
Detect CD:              [yes]
Load installer modules: [yes]
Detect hard drives:     [yes]
Partition hard drives:  [yes]
Install base system:    [no]
Clock/timezone setup:   [? only US proposed]
User/password setup:    [E "2 times wrong"]
Install tasks:          [no]
Install boot loader:    [no]
Overall install:        [aborted by operator]


I tried to install over the serial - modem line. After 9 hours (!) of
mousing arround and getting
more and more slower, the installer said: " This could lead to an
unbootable system"
and then "Password 2 times wrong". - then I aborted.

> This System has no screen and no DVD, so I think it is a good idea to install
CD #1 over a simple 9600-Modem line but the installer has to many

<Description of the install, in prose, and any thoughts, comments
      and ideas you had during the initial install.>

I think the user-friendlyness has its limits. Is there anybody who really wants
a "save", "friendly" and "guided" installation process to install Debian on an
enterprise - server?

Thanks for providing Debian-Sparc


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