I think this bug is related to #798850 (enfuse) which also affects enblend.

After recompiling enblend (with gcc5) I can successfully create
panorama images using hugin.

Apart from recompiling enblend/enfuse I think it would be good
if hugin would output the commandline used to call enblend, and
also if stderr would be shown in the log.
It would have been obvious that some external application failed
hard if the "Segmentation fault" message was in the log.

UNTIL THIS IS FIXED you could try using the blender which is
embedded into hugin (it might be necessary to select
the "advanced" or "expert" in the menu "Interface" to get access
to these settings, didn't try it with "simple")
 * File / Preferences
 * Tab: Stitching
 * Default blender: enblend

Maybe you've got to set it somewhere in your project, too

Nevertheless, thanks a lot for packaging these tool! :)

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