Source: rheolef
Version: 7.1-7
Severity: important

checking for scotch library... -lptscotchparmetis -lptscotch -lptscotcherrexit 
checking for blas library...
checking for scalapack library...
checking for dmumps_c.h... yes
checking for -ldmumps_ptscotch... no
checking for -ldmumps_parmetis... no
checking for -ldmumps_scotch... no
checking for -ldmumps_metis... no
checking for -ldmumps... no
** WARNING: the distributed feature is turned off because libmumps or mpi is 
not available
checking for mumps version... 5.4
checking for mumps compiled with scotch support... no
checking for mumps compiled with ptscotch support... no
checking for mumps compiled with metis support... no
checking for mumps compiled with parmetis support... no
        prefix           : /usr
        documentation    : refman usrman 
        c++ compiler     : gnu
        optimization     : yes, machine-independent
        geometry         : cgal
        direct solver    : eigen(superlu/ldlt) cholmod umfpack (sequential) 
        preconditioners  : ilut mic
        distributed      : no

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