Thanks for your quick answer.

> Mobian appears to be a Debian derivative, containing modifications
> relative to Debian.

I reported the bug using 'reportbug', you can see the related packages,
seems there is no mobian specific packages.

The mobian packages are here:

There is a gtk3 mobian package, no related to this bug. The gtk4
packages are taken from debian.

> Is this bug reproducible on a Debian system?

Not here, I can't reproduce it on debian testing in PC.

> The patch appears to be reverting a change that was made to fix a
> different bug, so I'm not comfortable with reverting it without a better
> idea of what is going on and what (if anything) the revert is likely
> to break.

yes, I understand you, I opened the debian bug because I see no advance
in the upstream, and it is a critical bug.

Best regards,

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