Severity: normal


>From the original author:

  "I think retiring it makes sense, it is so out of date with modern rendering
  techniques it serves little purpose other than an educational tool for anyone
  considering writing their own renderer to see how things might have been done
  in the past. In that example, folks will more likely be interested in the
  github repo than an installable package."

I kept it afloat for a few years adding patches, moving from Qt4 to Qt5 and so
on, but the source has been basically unchanged for a decade and does not keep
up with library changes until way too late, etc.

Also its usage according to popcon dropped dramatically over time, from less
than 1% at the best of times to about 0.02% nowadays.

So I think that it's time to retire now, not very worth spending time on it to
keep it kicking for the lifetime of the next stable release, especially when
--according to the main author-- there are better alternatives now.

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo <>

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