Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Josenilson Ferreira da Silva <>

* Package name    : domain2idna
  Version         : 1.10.1
  Upstream Author : Nissar Chababy <>, PyFunceble 
* URL             :
* License         : MIT/expat
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description     : tool to convert domains to the famous IDNA format

 This project provides a tool for list or hosts file maintainer that
 can converts domain to the Punycode/IDNA format.
 With domain2idna you can do:
  *  Read a given domain and convert it to the Punycode/IDNA format.
  *  Read a given URL and convert its base to Punycode/IDNA format.
  *  Read a file and convert all non-commented line to the
     Punycode/IDNA format.
  *  Print the converted data on the screen.
  *  Save into a file the converted data.
  *  Return the converted data (when used as a module).
  *  Ignore commented inputs (starts with #).

 package needed for packaging:

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