Source: ayatana-indicator-session
Version: 22.9.0-2
Severity: normal
Usertags: policykit-1
Control: block 1025540 by -1

This package's autopkgtest-based test suite depends on the transitional
package policykit-1, which has been separated into polkitd, pkexec and
(deprecated) polkitd-pkla packages.

If the tests communicate with polkitd via D-Bus, please represent that
as a Depends on polkitd.

If the tests run /usr/bin/pkexec, please represent that as a Depends
on pkexec.

If the tests require legacy .pkla files to be processed, please represent
that as a Depends on polkitd-pkla (but note that this package will probably
be removed from testing/unstable after Debian 12 is released).

For packages that are expected to be backported to bullseye, it's OK to
use an alternative dependency: polkitd | policykit-1 and/or
pkexec | policykit-1.

This is part of a mass bug filing, see


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