Severity: normal
Usertags: rm-request


I will be using: RoDM (Request of Debian Maintainer) for my requests.

You may close and deny them if you think I am mistaken. All requests are manual.

Please proceed to deleting the package php-htmlawed. Since 2016 (it's first 
upload) there was no updates.

List of checks:

- [x] Missing autopkgtests
- [x] Missing build tests
- [x] Missing Debian Vcs-* fields
- [x] Not maintained
- [x] Not used (no rdepends)
- [x] No watch file (but the salsa repo could have a file for this)
- [x] Upstream has some form of tests
- [x] Found on GitLab salsa (But d/changelogs do not match:
- [x] Standards are outdated
- [x] Had to have a NMU upload for buildinfo files

Found on UDD by SQL: "select DISTINCT 
CONCAT('',source),bin,vcs_url,vcs_browser from all_sources 
WHERE (vcs_url IS NULL OR vcs_browser IS NULL ) AND (bin LIKE '%php%' OR source LIKE 
'%php%') AND distribution = 'debian' AND release IN('sid', 'bookworm');"

William Desportes

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