Package: python-pweave
Version: 0.25-4
Severity: normal

scipy 1.10 is now available in experimental.
python-pweave fails debci tests using it.

We are considering uploading scipy 1.10 to unstable in order to
included it in the forthcoming stable release.  If we proceed with
that, then this bug will become Severity: serious.

The errors are in the LaTeX test build rather than directly from
scipy. It looks like the test failure is triggered simply by the
message going to stderr, which can be ignored by configuring
debian/tests/control to not treat output in stderr as error
(allow-stderr).  The pdf file is generated.  Nevertheless the error
message looks real. Does the pdf file contain the correct content?

A sample from the failing test log is

autopkgtest [19:41:25]: test command1: set -e ; cp debian/tests/examples/FIR_* 
"$AUTOPKGTEST_TMP" ; cd "$AUTOPKGTEST_TMP" ; echo "Testing texw => tex => pdf:" 
; pweave -f tex FIR_design_verb.texw ; pdflatex FIR_design_verb.tex ; echo 
"Testing rstw => rst => html:" ; pweave -f rst FIR_design.rstw ; rst2html 
FIR_design.rst FIR_design_rst.html ; echo "Testing mdw => html (via 
python-markdown):" ; pweave -f md2html FIR_design.mdw ; echo "Testing mdw => md 
=> html (via pandoc):" ; pweave -f pandoc FIR_design.mdw ; pandoc -s --mathjax -o FIR_design_pandoc.html ; echo "Testing mdw => tex => pdf:" ; 
pweave -f pandoc2latex FIR_design.mdw ; pdflatex FIR_design.tex
autopkgtest [19:41:25]: test command1: [-----------------------
Testing texw => tex => pdf:
  Unknown window type.
  Error messages will be included in output document

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