Package: python3-pymssql
Version:  2.1.4+dfsg-3+b3

When re-connecting to an MSSQL server after a connection error, the program will stop with "malloc(): unsorted double linked list corrupted"

This can be reproduced on Debian 11.6 (amd64) with latest dist-upgrade applied using the following program. The test program will run in a loop, doing heavy work, and reconnect if the connection should fail.

A malicious administrator might kill the database connection:

   DECLARE @spid INT
   SELECT @spid=spid FROM sys.sysprocesses
    WHERE program_name LIKE 'Trigger Error %'
    EXEC ('KILL ' + @spid)

The application should create a new connection and go on, but in most cases the malloc() abort will happen.

#! /usr/bin/python3
import os, json, pymssql

Configuration in ~/db.secrets
  "server": "serverAddress",
  "database": "theDatabase",
  "username": "theUser",
  "password": "secrets"
with open(f"{os.path.expanduser('~')}/db.secrets") as fp:

def getCursor(appname):
  print("Making new connection", appname)
  conn=pymssql.connect(cfg['server'], cfg['username'],
                       cfg['password'], cfg['database'],
                       port=cfg.get('port', 1433), as_dict=True,
                       timeout=20, login_timeout=5,
  return conn.cursor()

while True:
  if not cursor:
    cursor=getCursor(f"Trigger Error {generation}")
    print("Executing generation", generation)
    cursor.execute("WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:01'")
  except (pymssql.OperationalError, pymssql.InterfaceError)  as e:
    print("Aborted", e)
    generation += 1

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