Package: im-config
Version: 0.54-1

It looks like this commit:

was reverted prematurely.

In Debian 11 it works fine to not set GTK_IM_MODULE in GNOME on Xorg sessions. Then this issue showed up:

and we chose to set GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus temporarily until the claimed gnome-settings-daemon fix had made it to Debian. But the discussion at that upstream issue left some doubts about the need to keep doing something to compensate for the code refactoring in gnome-settings-daemon 42. And yes, there is a reason to still set GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus in GNOME on Xorg sessions.

On a GNOME desktop with only non-IBus input sources enabled but some IBus IM installed:

* Log in to a GNOME on Xorg session
* Go to Settings -> Keyboard and add some IBus IM to the input sources
* Switch to the IBus IM
* Find that you can't input anything but latin letters
* Log out and log in again
* Find that you now can use the IBus IM as expected

The need to relogin in this situation is a bug IMO. With GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus set, there is no such need.


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