Package: monero

While using monero-wallet-cli, after the wallet is locked due to inactivity and 
unlocked again, using a 'set' command throws errors as transcribed below:

[wallet <example>]: set unit monero
Wallet password:
Error: invalid password
[wallet <example>]: Error: Unknown command <most of the password>, try 
'help'[wallet <example>]: [wallet <example>]:

The expected result of the example 'set' command above would be to set the 
default unit to monero. The same behavior occurs when using different options 
with the 'set' command (for example, 'set inactvity-lock-timeout 0'). The above 
errors are not thrown if the wallet was only locked via the 'lock' command 
instead of the inactivity timer or if the wallet has not yet been locked during 
a given session.

This issue closely resembles monero GitHub issue #6653 
( Github user downystreet 
stated that recompiling with readline fixed the issue for them.

I am using Debian GNU/Linux trixie/sid, kernel 6.1.0-9-amd64 and libc6 2.36-9.

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