Source: cabextract
Version: 1.9-3
Severity: wishlist

Dear maintainer,

there is a two new upstream releases available at
<>, their changes include

| Changes in cabextract 1.11
| - A bug introduced in cabextract 1.10 was fixed: it did not create
|   directory paths when extracting files
| Changes in cabextract 1.10
| - Multiple --filter options can be given. cabextract will extract files
|   matching any of the filters
| - cabextract now overwrites symlinks by default, both directories and
|   files. This is to be consistent with other archive tools. This does
|   not affect symlinks that are part of the --directory option
| - New --keep-symlinks option for the old behaviour of keeping symlinks
|   and following them when extracting files
| - New --interactive option to prompt you whether to overwrite existing
|   files
| - New --no-overwrite option to never overwrite existing files. The
|   default behaviour remains that existing files are overwritten
|   automatically

Please update the package when you think it is due time.


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