Source: fanwor
Tags: trixie sid
Usertags: libsdl1.2
Control: block 1038037 by -1

This package seems to be new to the archive, but using the legacy SDL
1.2 API/ABI, which since trixie is provided by a compatibility layer
implemented in terms of SDL 2.

As a result, it also uses libsdl-mixer1.2, which is completely
unmaintained upstream (there will be no new releases).

If possible, please port this package to use SDL 2 directly. There is
a migration guide at <>,
and examples of successful ports from SDL 1.2 to SDL 2 can be found in
the commit history of packages like darkplaces and ioquake3.

The direct SDL 2 replacement for libsdl-mixer1.2-dev is libsdl2-mixer-dev,
which has a very similar API and is maintained.


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