Source: gnome-packagekit
Version: 43.0-1
Severity: normal
Control: affects -1 + adwaita-icon-theme

gnome-packagekit_*.deb currently ships
/usr/share/applications/org.gnome.Packages.desktop which contains:


Similarly, gnome-package-updater_*.deb ships
/usr/share/applications/org.gnome.PackageUpdater.desktop which contains:


This means its icon will be whatever the icon theme happens to ship for
those names, which might not be what the authors of gnome-packagekit
want, and might even be nothing at all. In the latest version of
adwaita-icon-theme in experimental, system-software-update has been
removed entirely by upstream and system-software-install only has
a symbolic version (which I find that I can only recognise as an open
box because I already know what I'm looking for - it's really not a very
clear visual metaphor).

I think it would be better for these two apps to set
Icon=org.gnome.Packages and Icon=org.gnome.PackageUpdater respectively,
and ship their own icon in /usr/share/icons/hicolor under that name,
similar to what (for example) evince does. That would put these two apps
in control of their own visual identity. Non-default icon themes would
still be able to override these default icons with a themed icon if they
wanted to.

If you are happy with the icons that were previously provided by Adwaita,
then copying them from an older version of Adwaita and renaming them
appropriately would seem appropriate.


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