
So it turns out there was two issues here:

* New "lextudio" upstream patch broke asyncio support by converting regular function returning future into awaitable function returning Future (double await needed).

I fixed the issue and send a PR upstream: https://github.com/lextudio/pysnmp/pull/24

Bug was already reported but not taken in account: https://github.com/lextudio/pysnmp/issues/19

* Upstream "lextudio" patches to fix asyncio backend (including my own PR from today) had to be merged into debian package.

I created an upstream based branch here to see what patches have been cherry-picked: https://salsa.debian.org/acecile-guest/python-pysnmp4/-/commits/4.4.12+cherry-pick-asyncio-lextudio-fixes/

And created a Debian 4.4.12-3 release so I can build and test the package: https://salsa.debian.org/acecile-guest/python-pysnmp4/-/commit/a5f17d27c7813dbdb64cdf674d1855a77c3eb0f0

I'll now try to reach Debian Python team to see if we should proceed further.

Regards, Adam.

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