Package: dh-make
Version: 2.202301
Severity: wishlist

A few years ago, a bug was filed against one of my packages, #956041, to
report that build-depending on pandoc is a bit of a nuisance for ports
architectures and bootstrapping, as it has a long depends of B-Ds
itself, including the Haskell toolchain.

My package was merely using pandoc to generate a manpage from a Markdown
document, quite similar to dh-make's debian/ template. The
bug reporter's suggestion to use Build-Depends-Indep was also not a
viable one, as the manpage had to be shipped with the binary itself, and
a separate -doc package did not make sense for this use case.

To resolve this request, I packaged "lowdown", which is a Markdown
translator, including to the man format. It is a very small binary,
depending only on libbsd (which is widely available). I've been
maintaining it since bullseye, for a couple of years now, and upstream
has been fairly responsive adding features such as Pandoc's metadata
header. There are other translators such as go-md2man etc., but none as
lightweight and comprehensive as lowdown, IMHO.

It seems that most are not familiar with Pandoc alternatives. For
example, from a recent thread on debian-devel:

I think it'd be helpful if the dh-make templates recommended lowdown in
addition to, or even instead of, Pandoc. That way we'll be giving a
lightweight option to fellow developers interested in writing a manpage
using a modern markup language.

The corresponding command-line syntax is:
   lowdown -s -Tman -o output.1


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