Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Maytham Alsudany <>
Control: block 1058688 by -1

* Package name    : golang-github-seletskiy-tplutil
  Version         : 0.0~git20200921.f880f62
  Upstream Author : Stanislav Seletskiy 
* URL             :
* License         : Apache-2.0
  Programming Lang: Go
  Description     : Golang template utils

 Package tplutil provides more convient way to use text/template inside the
 code. Without tplutil, gofmt will ruin any attempt at formatting your
 templating code. But with tplutil, you can format your templating code with as
 much indenting and whitespace as you please, and tplutil will strip any
 unneeded whitespace (unless explicitly kept) and gofmt won't ruin your pretty

Dependency of golang-gitea-noerw-unidiff-comment.

Will be packaged within the Debian Go Packaging Team, and will need a sponsor.

Kind regards,

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