Package: rsyslog-mysql
Version: 8.2312.0-3
Severity: normal

In Launchpad autopkgtests fail with Data too long for column 'FromHost' on a system with a hostname of 63 characters.

I hope to resolve this with merge request
testing is still ongoing.

These are the relevant syslog messages:

2500s Jan 15 17:49:22 autopkgtest rsyslogd[2317]: rsyslogd: ommysql: db error (1406): Data too long for column 'FromHost' at row 1 [v8.2312.0] 2500s Jan 15 17:49:22 autopkgtest rsyslogd[2317]: rsyslogd: The error statement was: insert into SystemEvents (Message, Facility, FromHost, Priority, DeviceReportedTime, ReceivedAt, InfoUnitID, SysLogTag) values (' rsyslogd: action \'action-7-ommysql\' (module \'ommysql\') message lost, could not be processed. Check for additional error messages before this one. [v8.2312.0 try ]', 3, 'adt-noble-amd64-rsyslog-20240115-160328-juju-7f2275-prod-propos', 6, '20240115174920', '20240115174920', 1, 'rsyslogd[2317]:') [v8.2312.0 try ] 2500s Jan 15 17:49:22 autopkgtest rsyslogd[2317]: rsyslogd: action 'action-7-ommysql' (module 'ommysql') message lost, could not be processed. Check for additional error messages before this one. [v8.2312.0 try ]

Best regards


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