Package: fontconfig
Version: 2.14.1-4
Control: affects -1 font-manager
For the purpose of this bug report, let's assume you have two versions of the 
same font, say, Courier New (the real name is probably irrelevant, as we only 
need the same name):
The tool gnome-font-viewer reports v2.82 for the first font file and a larger 
version for the second font file. The tool font-manager reports also v2.82 for 
Courier New. So a file with a larger version is ignored. This is not good and 
should be improved: whenever two versions of the same font are available, the 
larger one should be taken.
Upon starting the font-manager, we see 4 equal lines “Fontconfig error: No 
writable cache directories” on the console without further information.
# fc-cache -r && fc-cache -fv && dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig fontconfig-cache
font-manager didn't help, and /var/log/syslog and dmesg show, subjectively, 
nothing of interest for this bug report.

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