Source: conky
Version: 1.19.6-1

Dear Maintainer,

while building Conky 1.19.6-1 from Debian Sid on my Debian 10 system. I noticed 
that the following build flags no longer seem to exist in the Conky source code:

Here is a link to the commit that dropped the weather related source code:

For the "BUILD_EVE" flag I did not find the commit that dropped it, but at 
least "grep" was unable to find any "BUILD_EVE" strings in Conky source code 

Unfortunately I also found that Conky 1.19.6-1 is still affected by the bug 
that causes it to crash on any config reload. This occurs when "use_xft = true" 
is in my config and it is reported as upstream issue 
"";. If you know about any 
workaround I would be grateful (I described details of how I built and tested 
Conky in a comment to that issue: 

By the way bug 791355 
("";) can probably be 
closed as the upstream issue 106 
("";) was closed in 2018. Also 
bug 684425 ("";) could 
probably be closed (see my last comment to that bug for details).


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