There might be a could of dodgy bits to watch out for in logo.el.

    ;; Pacifying compiler
    (defvar dired-mode-map nil)

Probably should be

    (defvar dired-mode-map)

Otherwise it kills dired if logo.el loads before dired.el.

And in

    (defcustom logo-dynamic-menu-depth
      (let ((pixels (x-display-pixel-height)))

x-display-pixel-height errors out on a non-X display.  Dunno if there
would be a menu at all in that case.  Maybe menu size should go from
screen size in lines instead of pixels anyway.

Oh, and

    (defadvice show-paren-function (before verbal-off-screen)

seems to break paren blinking for me.  Unless that's what it's supposed
to do :-).  Looks a bit like personal preference, or ought to be
confined to logo-mode buffers rather than acting globally.

The sigfile English idioms series:
"Putting all your eggs in one basket" -- protect your assets by keeping
them in one place you can watch carefully.

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