R+umor N'e_w+s,: Onc+olog y M'e-d+. I'n-c_. (OT_C: ON_CO) a Canc*er Treat me-nt Soluti_o ns Grou.p is s'a,i,d to h-a,v-e experien.+ced o*v-e.r a 100-0% i''ncrease in r'e+venues f-o'r t'h_e fis+cal 3,r'd quar_ter en.ding J_u_l,y', 2'0_0_7 co*mpa'red w_i+t.h t-h+e prio,r y,e,a_r w-hile f,iscal fo*urth qu arter result*s f,o+r 2'0,0*7 a_r.e on

tr.ack to exc eed t.h-i-s ye_ar’s thir'd quarte-r result+s.

O+N+C,O additi on-ally p,lans to inc,reas,e s_ervice offerin'g*s whic h a.r_e curr*ent+ly u*nderwa*y. D-on’t w.a*i,t f'o*r t-h+e n*e-w-s to c,o*m'e o_u+t a_n,d l'o_s'e t*h'e opport_uni_ty to g,e*t in f-ront of the

gener-al inv-es ting publ*ic. O_n-cology M,e.d is in a mult'ibilli,on dol lar i*ndustr_y w+h,e_r+e t_h.e-y a,r+e gain,ing mark,et sha.re r.apidly.

C a+l-l y-o'u r bro ker n-o'w f,o,r O*N-C+O,.

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