Bad news: if you forget thepassphrase, the encrypted files are lost.
TranscriptThis is Leo Notenboom with news, commentary and answers to
some of the manyquestions I get at askleo. And if you follow through and
click on the "More Info.


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Make an origami jumping frog?
That could be as simple as locking yourhome or office when you leave, or
it could be as drastic as putting some typeof physical interlock
directly on the machine. Have the sender rename the. I'll be honest:
I'll try to respond, but I get a lot of questions every day - I just
can't answer everyone. - How can Ipassword protect my documents?
Hotmail's goal here is, obviously, to make it difficult to open malware
inattachments by accident.
After I run Thunderbird for a      bit longer, I fully expect to add one
for it as well. I want to delete the items that show up automatically
when I search for something using Google's toolbar. loose accessNEED
If you can't actually install an ethernetcard in your PC, then a USB
ethernet adapter might be a very reasonablealternative.
Comments:                                         Before commenting,
Someof it, like Open Office, competes well, but still feels rough around
the edgesat times. - Why don'tpictures show up in the emails I send or
Leo Notenboom              Hello! Occasionally security software outside
of your email program, such asfirewalls or anti-malware programs, can
also interfere and prevent images frombeing displayed properly. Your
Name: Your Email Address: Where did you hear about Ask Leo!
To me it boils down to a couple of simple issues: quality and support.
Heck, just renaming the file is enough.
I like      knowing about other resources out there that can help as
" link next to thatwarning message, Hotmail's online help is quite
explicit:Hotmail doesn't support all file types. Exactly howyou do
these, and perhaps even whether you need to, will depend on exactly
whatemail program and possibly what security software you have running
on yourmachine.
I have found there is a lot of good free programs that are as good or
even better than their paid equivalents. Digg It      - Bookmark It on
That said you do have to be careful as there is a lot of free junk out
there as well, but if you do a little research you can usually avoid the
junk. Other programs will assume the same thing if a sender is in your
contacts oraddress book. Naturally, there are other alternatives.
Hotmail is attempting to protect you.
There's no such thing as a cable that just has USB at one end and
ethernetat the other. There are several solutions to this problem, some
involving converter cablesand various other add-ons. jpg, and I have to
click on each attachmentseparately to see them. PracticallyNetworked -
Networking related forums, news and productreviews. Some programs allow
you to indicate that certain senders are "safe", andthat images in email
coming from those addresses can be displayed immediately.
- How do Iinstall my new USB device? Is there a solution such that I can
connect it through USB tomy PC?
loose accessNEED MORE COFFEE. Investing money in a commercially produced
and supported product is often awise and expedient investment. - How do
Iinstall my new USB device? Why wait for a response if it's already
here? And it is a bit of a mystery, involving a complex mix ofemail
formats, email programs, and email security settings.
TV              Advertisement. Lockergnome's ProblemSolvers - AKA the
"Lockergnome Forums". Neither of those solutions is particularly
appealing or alwayspractical. Investing money in a commercially produced
and supported product is often awise and expedient investment. Remember
that I said that one of the waysin-line images could be included is as
attachments with the email that arereferenced from within the body of
the email.
Such a possible invasion of privacy! PracticallyNetworked - Networking
related forums, news and productreviews.
It's proventechnology, and will get you the most reliable and most
likely the fastestconnection over all.
"Thanks very much for that very easy to use instruction, It worked like
a charm. For example, if your email program isproperly blocking and
allowing images from the right sets of senders, there'sno reason to have
your firewall try to do the same thing. Hundreds of questions and
answers are online and ready to helpsolve your computer problems. Don't
put an email address in the comment. You must, at a minimum, have two
separate loginaccounts, and neither of them can have administrative
How do I keep people from seeing possibly private things on my shared
Either I haven't checked them out in detail myself, or I have but I've
notadded them to my "preferred list" above.
Another forum where a lotof really smart people hang out and help solve
posted technical problems.

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