I'm happy to report that changing the versions of
several packages, including going back to an
earlier version of festival, seems to have fixed
the problem.

My test script

    counter=0; while echo $counter | festival --language americanenglish -b 
--tts ; do counter=$(( counter + 1 )) ; done ; echo Crashed after $(( $counter 
-1 )) runs.

just completed a thousand iterations on the first try.

Package             Buggy                   Working
name                version                 version

festival            1.4.3-15                1.4.2-2.1
festlex-cmu         1.4.0-4                 1.4.0-1
festlex-poslex      1.4.0-5                 1.4.0-1
festvox-kallpc16k   1.4.0-5                 1.4.0-1    
festvox-kdlpc16k    1.4.0-5                 1.4.0-1
libestools1.2       not installed           1:1.2.2-2
libestools1.2c102   1:1.2.3-8               not installed
libgnome-speech3    1:0.3.2-3               not installed
speech-tools        1:1.2.3-7               not installed

dasher*             3.2.11-1                not installed
libarts1*           1.3.0-1                 1.3.2-3
libartsc0*          1.3.2-1                 1.3.2-3
libaudiofile-dev*   0.2.6-4                 0.2.6-6
libaudiofile0*      0.2.6-4                 0.2.6-6
libmad0*            0.15.1b-1               0.15.1b-2.1
libmad0-dev*        0.15.1b-1               0.15.1b-2.1

I'm inclined to think that the package names
marked with "*" are unlikely candidates for the
bug, mostly because I suspect festival still
aborted after they were changed.

I suggest keeping this bug report open for a
while, or until the exact bug is identified.


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