Rum*or N,e,w_s+: Onc-olog y M'e'd+. I.n-c-. (,OTC: ON+CO) a C-ancer Tr,eatmen+t Sol.ut ions G'roup is s-a_i*d to h a.v,e expe+-rienced o_v.e-r a 1-000% increas e in re 'venues f+o*r t-h e fi.scal 3+r'd quar'ter en+ding J_u.l,y,,
2'0'0+7 compare+*d w*i.t_h t,h e prio.r y,e-a-r wh ile fis,cal fou.rth quarte,r 
re*sults f o-r 2*0,0_7 a r_e on

t*rack to e,xceed t h*i*s y.ear’s thi,rd qu*arter resu lts.

O+N'C.O addi-tionall y pla*ns to i*ncrea,se servi'ce of-feri,ngs whic'h a+r*e current+l*y un d_erway. Do_n’t w.a.i't f'o r t_h_e n+e w's to c'o*m e o'u-t a'n_d l o*s,e t'h-e opp.ortun,ity to g_e-t in f*ront of the gene_ral inves't ing public,. Onc.'ology M e d is in a mult--ibillion do*llar in_.dustry w-h_e_r*e t*h*e'y a.r*e g*aining m*arket shar-e rapidly_.

C a'l.l y*o,u'r br'oker n o,w f o-r O'N-C*O*.

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