Please, make /etc/skel/.bashrc and root's .bashrc identical. Yes, you may make 
them both as empty as you want. But there is no any need in keeping them 

When I create new system, I edit this files using my scripts. This is part of 
my scripts:

sed -i 's/^#force_color_prompt=yes$/force_color_prompt=yes/' ~/.bashrc
sudo sed -i 's/^\(# 
\|\)PS1=.*$/PS1='\''\\[\\033[1m\\]\\u@\\h:\\w\\$\\[\\033[0m\\] '\''/' 

As you can see, I have to handle this bashrc's different, because they are 
Yes, I can just copy /etc/skel/.bashrc into /root/.bashrc. But then this would 
be kludge. Why users of the system have to do such copy? Why not just make this 
files identical upstream?
Please, fix this in stretch or at least in buster. So that when new debian 
release is deployed, I will not use such kludges any more.

Also, please, make whole /etc/skel be copied into /root at installation time. 
This will merge /etc/skel/.bashrc with /root/.bashrc and same for .profile etc.

Askar Safin

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