Hi all,

Since I no longer really use Window Maker much, I am orphaning the
wmakerconf and wmakerconf-data packages (cf. the CC'ed bugs).  I've just
emailed the BTS to retitle those bugs from RFA to O, and uploaded new
packages with the maintainer set to Debian QA Group.  Note that each of
these is a separate source package (for historical reasons) that
generates a .deb of the same name.

I have also been WMakerConf upstream for a while (the original upstream
having lost interest years ago), so if anyone wants to take over these
packages it would be really nice if you could become a new upstream
maintainer too.  It's still fairly popular judging by popcon and there
haven't been any bugs reported in quite some time.  Note that my
original email to the RFA bug logs is a bit outdated; I eventually
managed to port WMakerConf to GTK+ 2.x.

Current WMakerConf upstream web page is http://starplot.org/wmakerconf/
and anyone taking over the package is welcome also to hijack all the
WMakerConf-related files there.  If someone does, let me know and I'll
change that web page to redirect to the new site.

best regards,

Kevin B. McCarty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   Physics Department
WWW: http://www.princeton.edu/~kmccarty/    Princeton University
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