Mario Minati <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (02/07/2005):
> The following files are missing in drqueue/bin compared to what I achieve 
> by compiling the sources:
> sendjob.Linux, drqman.Linux

I've got exactly the same problem on my sid/i386 box. To be precise,
what is called 'compiling the sources' is compiling from Debian source,
downloaded with `apt-get source` for instance.

I also tried to build this package in a (fresh) chrooted sid
environment, and the files reported as missing in the official build
were there.

> The init-Skript starts the master and slave daemons as user and group 
> daemon, infact they should be startet as user and group drqueue. (Well I am 
> not sure if this is a must.)
Another idea could be reading [1] something like DRQUEUE_USER and
DRQUEUE_GROUP from /etc/default/drqueue, and defaulting to
daemon:daemon (the actual choice) or drqueue:drqueue (but with this,
we've got to add another user/group to the system, which could be asked
via debconf, but implies a little more maintenance).

> The file /etc/default/drqueue should exist and export values DRQUEUE_ROOT 
> and DRQUEUE_MASTER that fit to the rest of the package setup.
DRQUEUE_TMP is also to be filled in order to get `drqman` up and


Cyril Brulebois

[1] Checking if environment variables are defined after 
'. /etc/default/drqueue'

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