Package: gallery
Severity: wishlist

Gallery 1.5.1 is now available for download. This release is primarily a
bugfix release but includes several new features that should make this
worth the upgrade. (Included in this release are security fixes made for
Gallery 1.5-pl1 and Gallery 1.5.1-RC3.) Read more for the details on new
features, fixes, and the future of Gallery 1.

Download Gallery 1.5.1 from

Read the full relase announcement at

The Future of G1
Gallery 2 is definitely here and great but development on Gallery 1 has
not stopped just yet. Sometime around December of this year, look for
Gallery 1.5.2 with neat new features such as an easier to use
configuration wizard, archive download, and support for clickable
imagemaps on images. We plan to keep fixing bugs in Gallery 1 for some
time, and any highly ranked feature requests in the new feature request
system ( tagged with [G1] will be considered. 

New Features in 1.5.1
-PHP 5 and PHP 4.4 fixes
-eCard feature
-Option to prevent some users from changing their password
-Colorpicker for all color settings
-Microthumbs for navigation
-Easier way to reorder items
-Small security fixes with some additional input validation
-Icons for item and album actions
Fixes from RC1
-Ecard and stamp previews work properly
-Embedded URLs now work properly for mails and comment deletion
-Updates for new versions of Postnuke
-Proper windows path seperators
-Sending emails is more reliable
-Other small bug fixes
Fixes from RC2
-Several embedding issues
-Two security problems
-Other small bug fixes
Fixes from RC3
-Embedded URLs work in CPGNuke again and some other minor embedding
-A small resource leak found and closed
-Fixes to properly display EXIF data after the security fix broke some
-Links in emails work properly
-PHP Compatability fixes with taking arguments by reference

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