Package: dblatex
Version: 0.1.9-2
Severity: normal

Even a simple itemizedlist does not work if lang="fr":

XSLT stylesheets DocBook -  LaTeX 2e (0.1.9)
output.rtex -> output.tex
Compiling output.tex ...
latex output_tmp.tex
This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.21a-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.4)
entering extended mode
*** latex error
 This may cause the page layout to be inconsistent, however.


! LaTeX Error: \begin{itemize} on input line 46 ended by \end{list}.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
l.53 \end{itemize}
Type  I <command> <return>  to replace it with another command,
or  <return>  to continue without it.

! LaTeX Error: \begin{document} ended by \end{itemize}.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
l.53 \end{itemize}
l.53 \end{itemize}
Your command was ignored.
Type  I <command> <return>  to replace it with another command,
or  <return>  to continue without it.

! Extra \endgroup.
<recently read> \endgroup 
l.53 \end{itemize}
make: *** [output.dvi] Error 1

The LaTeX error message are wrong. The \begin{itemize} is ended
by \end{itemize} correctly:

\item{}On est parti, samedi, dans une grosse voiture,
     Faire tous ensemble un grand pique-{}nique dans la nature,
     En emportant des paniers, des bouteilles, des paquets,
     Et la radio!

Maybe some dblatex macros lead to the confusion. A simple input
file is attached.  

Attachment: test.ilist.dbk
Description: Binary data

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