unblock 384356 by 386485

After discussing with Ari Pollak (maintainer of mzscheme) on IRC, he
states that hs-plugins should not depend on mzscheme to build its
documentation.  mzscheme is not built on all Debian architecture, and
depending on such package only to build documentation seems a bit too

Don Stewart, author of hs-plugins, is switching to full Haddock
documentation for the next release.  So this won't be problem anymore
for the next upstream release.

In the meantime, possible solutions that I see to solve this issue:

  a) Don't build the documentation at all, and point the user to
     hs-plugins website.

  b) Build to documentation on the maintainer system and include it
     in the Debian patch.

  c) Use another LaTeX to HTML converter to build the documentation
     with the package.

Since upstream is switching to full Haddock documentation for the next
release, I would advocate for b) as a temporary solution.

I will work on a patch implementing this solution if there is no


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