I have resolved this problem and it turns out to be entirely my fault.

The PC was set to boot from hdb (no, I don't know how this happened!) whilst 
the bootloader was being written to hda.

I suggest you close the bug (or delete it?).

However, for the installation, may I suggest that:

1. When the time comes to install the boot loader, the script should indicate 
that LILO is a option which will be offered if the user rejects GRUB.

2. Is it possible to offer the choice of Gnome or KDE at installation time? 
This is the third PC I have installed Debian on. While it is not the end of 
the world to reconfigure the system a new user coming from Windows will not 
know how to do this and may be put off by the Gnome Look and Feel. I know I 
was when I first started using Linux.

Apologies for my error.


David Cefai

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