Note that Saxon 8 is not a replacement for Saxon 6; it's a
separate application upstream. Saxon 8 is a conformant XSLT 2.0
engine. Saxon 6 is a conformant XSLT 1.0 engine. The Saxon 6
Debian package needs to continue to remain available, because
there are, stylesheet packages such as the docbook-xsl package
that are based on XSLT 1.0, not on XSLT 2.0.


P.S. In the case of the DocBook stylesheets, if/when we release a
version of the stylesheets for use with Saxon 8 and whatever other
XSLT 2.0 processors might be available by then, it will be a new,
separate docbook-xsl2 package, not a replacement of the
docbook-xsl package.

Michael(tm) Smith

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