
depending on your needs, you might be able to circumvent the problem by 
disabling the problematic buttons completely for imwheel.

I had problems with scrolling in konsole using the mouse wheel (scrolling 
downwards was too coarse) and with zooming in okular (zooming outwards while 
holding control and scrolling down with the mouse wheel did scroll the page 
instead of zooming) with the following configuration
> IMWHEEL_PARAMS='-b "4 5 6 7 8 9 10"'
in /etc/X11/imwheel/startup.conf.

This happened although I do not have the mouse wheel scroll down button 
configured in /etc/X11/imwheel/imwheelrc, as it contents only
> ".*"
> ,   Thumb1,     Super_L|Shift_L|Tab
> ,   Thumb2,     Super_L|Tab
> ,   ExtBt7,     XF86Favorites
to switch through activities and activate the WorkFlow plasmoid.

As I did not need to modify the mouse wheel actions I deactivated them by 
> IMWHEEL_PARAMS='-b "0 0 0 0 8 9 10"'
in startup.conf.

Due to that change, my scroll problems are solved. This is no general solution, 
but it might help some users until this is properly fixed.


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