This is way to solve problem (tested by myself):


by Dandrea Francesco May 19, 2006;

There is a bug in Qscintilla with the management of Utf8.
I sent a patch to the Qscintilla developer that fixed the problem (it's in Qscintilla CVS I think). It's attached to the mail. If you downolad the Qscintilla source, apply the patch, and compile all, you can then modify the Tora source putting the call
in the constructor of toMarkedText.
I have other problems with italian accented letters, (they always appears as a square...), but if you are able to see umlaut maybe it will works for you. Otherwise you have to look to the oracle connection management probably

Renat Sabitov   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Stack Soft         jid: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--- /cygdrive/c/Documents and 
2005-08-30 20:39:28.000000000 +0200
+++ qextscintilla.cpp   2006-03-21 14:30:19.013214900 +0100
@@ -2539,16 +2539,14 @@
 // Return a position from a line number and an index within the line.
 long QextScintilla::posFromLineIndex(int line,int index)
-       long pos = SendScintilla(SCI_POSITIONFROMLINE,line) + index;
-       long eol = SendScintilla(SCI_GETLINEENDPOSITION,line);
-       if (pos > eol)
-               pos = eol;
+        long pos=SendScintilla(SCI_POSITIONFROMLINE,line);
+        for(int i=0;i<index;i++)
+          pos=SendScintilla(SCI_POSITIONAFTER,pos);
        return pos;
 // Return a line number and an index within the line from a position.

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