
Quoting :  http://bugs.debian.org/424905
> I have packed a SDLMAME version for Debian (Etch/Lenny) from up to date

great ! , if you're motivated to upload it to debian
 please retitle the bug to ITP 

Then double check you debian/* files 
 and try to merge what cesare flaco (cc:) did before
 (watch file, getorig etc)

Here are links to ubuntu works published in hardy :
  * http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/sdlmame

If it helps, I also connected this bug to ubuntu tracker
  * https://bugs.launchpad.net/debian/+bug/135879

Also if time miss, just tell us, someone (like me) may do the final steps

FYI, I started to merge yours and ubuntu patches, and build a 0.124.3 debian 
 fell free to reuse it again:

  * http://rzr.online.fr/q/mame

I'll make deeper tests  


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