Control: retitle -1 dput: add command-line option to disable Lintian
Control: found -1 dput/
Control: found -1 dput/0.11.0
Control: block 827879 by -1
Control: forcemerge -1 840249

On 11-Jun-2007, Andreas Beckmann wrote:

> Having to edit in order to disable lintian adds the risk of
> forgetting to enable it again.

There are other contexts where editing the dput configuration is not
even reasonable. For example, the use case reported in bug#840249.

This feature would be needed to resolve, for instance, Debian
bug#827879. I'm updating this bug report accordingly.

 \          “Better not take a dog on the space shuttle, because if he |
  `\   sticks his head out when you're coming home his face might burn |
_o__)                                                up.” —Jack Handey |
Ben Finney <>

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