On Sat, Dec 08, 2007 at 10:19:37PM -0600, Rene Mayorga wrote:
> Hi, I'm the new maintainer for darkstat, I'm using it with w3m, lynx
> and iceweasel, I'm not sure which version are you using, but at
> least for me, looks nice.
> Do you still prefer to have the new version as darkstat3, or is ok, to
> have darkstat upgraded after all.

From memory: darkstat 2.x uses table cell width/height properties to
render graphs, and this doesn't very well in w3m-el and html2ps.
Darkstat 3 uses javascript extensively, which doesn't work very well
in anything at all unless it implements javascript.

...but I stopped using darkstat some time ago, so I don't really care
whether you call it darkstat or darkstat3.

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