reopen 449236

This bug is NOT fixed, just verified it with FAI 3.2.15.

When interrupting a 'fai softupdate' command the stamp file
/var/run/fai/fai_softupdate_is_running is left behind even though
softupdate is NOT running anymore. Looking at the source code:

The $stamp of task_softupdate in /usr/lib/fai/subroutines never
reaches the trap handling code from /usr/sbin/fai and so just
/var/run/fai/FAI_INSTALLATION_IN_PROGRESS and never
/var/run/fai/fai_softupdate_is_running is handled therefor when
being interrupted.

The 'echo "You may remove $stamp and try again."'
mentioned from #441437 (similar bugreport) also never matches.

Oh and the return code of FAI is still 0 even though the command
obviously fails:

Calling task_action
FAI_ACTION: softupdate
Performing FAI system update. All data may be overwritten!
Calling task_softupdate
Another fai softupdate is already running. Aborting.
End of /usr/sbin/fai
# echo $?

I'm not sure though what's the best approach to fix this problem,
(the $stamp handling is pretty intransparent and it looks like one
stamp environment variable overrides the other one in some
situations). Any comments?


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