I think I've found the exactly cause of the problem, and the solution.
Let's see if we can work this out.

According to:

"DenyHosts v0.8.0 (and greater) offers the ability to remove old entries
from the HOSTS_DENY file (eg. /etc/hosts.deny). You must set the
PURGE_DENY parameter in your configuration file and invoke DenyHosts
with the --purge command line flag"

A quick look at how this is being launched on my system:
python /usr/sbin/denyhosts --daemon --config=/etc/denyhosts.conf

We need to add --purge in there somewhere when this is run.

By default, the value for PURGE_DENY is not set, so this change WON'T
affect any users who haven't manually added PURGE_DENY to their
denyhosts.conf, however for the people who have added PURGE_DENY values,
the daemon will now start purging properly.

Should be an easy fix to implement, can we get this sorted ASAP so that
we can get it into lenny on time?

Sheridan Hutchinson

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