I have the same problem with LANG=es_ES.UTF-8 and rox 2.7.1-1 debian
package. No more menus or dialog translations.

After looking the code, I found two little problems:

- Rox install the .mo locale files in a non-standard path, and need to
  inform to gettext; there is a patch in the debian package (in
  'global.dpatch') to change this path, but I think is wrong. Anyway, we
  don't need to use any path, because we use the system default

- Rox use "ROX-Filer" textdomain, but debian package is using "rox", so
  we need to change this in 'ROX-Filer/src/config.h.in'.

Attached patch for both changes in 'debian/patches/global.dpatch'.


Attachment: rox_2.7.1-global.dpatch.diff.gz
Description: application/gzip

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