Dear maintainer of nagios3,

On Tuesday, September 16, 2008 I sent you a notice announcing my intent to 
upload a
NMU of your package to fix its pending l10n issues, after an initial
notice sent on Thursday, September 11, 2008.

We finally agreed that you would do the update yourself at the end of
the l10n update round.

That time has come.

To help you out, here's the patch which I would have used for an NMU.
Please feel free to use all of it...or only the l10n part of it.

The corresponding changelog is:

Source: nagios3
Version: 3.0.3-2.1
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Christian Perrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2008 07:20:25 +0200
Closes: 495225 499032 499113 499343 499706
 nagios3 (3.0.3-2.1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Non-maintainer upload.
   * Fix pending l10n bugs. Debconf translations:
     - Brazilian Portuguese. Closes: #495225
     - Russian. Closes: #499032
     - Basque. Closes: #499113
     - Swedish. Closes: #499343
     - Finnish. Closes: #499706


diff -Nru nagios3-3.0.3.old/debian/changelog nagios3-3.0.3/debian/changelog
--- nagios3-3.0.3.old/debian/changelog	2008-09-10 21:07:02.693244086 +0200
+++ nagios3-3.0.3/debian/changelog	2008-09-23 07:20:27.835511748 +0200
@@ -1,3 +1,15 @@
+nagios3 (3.0.3-2.1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Non-maintainer upload.
+  * Fix pending l10n bugs. Debconf translations:
+    - Brazilian Portuguese. Closes: #495225
+    - Russian. Closes: #499032
+    - Basque. Closes: #499113
+    - Swedish. Closes: #499343
+    - Finnish. Closes: #499706
+ -- Christian Perrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Tue, 23 Sep 2008 07:20:25 +0200
 nagios3 (3.0.3-2) unstable; urgency=medium
   [ Jan Wagner ]
diff -Nru nagios3-3.0.3.old/debian/po/eu.po nagios3-3.0.3/debian/po/eu.po
--- nagios3-3.0.3.old/debian/po/eu.po	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ nagios3-3.0.3/debian/po/eu.po	2008-09-16 18:36:20.573345000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+# translation of nagios3-eu.po to Euskara
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Piarres Beobide <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 2008.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: nagios3-eu\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-31 15:50+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-09-16 10:46+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Piarres Beobide <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Euskara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+#. Type: multiselect
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:1001
+msgid "Apache servers to configure for nagios3:"
+msgstr "Nagios3-rako konfiguratu behar diren apache zerbitzariak:"
+#. Type: multiselect
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:1001
+msgid "Please select which apache servers should be configured for nagios3."
+msgstr ""
+"Mesedez hautatu zein apache zerbitzari konfiguratu behar dira nagios3-rako."
+"apache konfiguratuta errepikatu arte."
+#. Type: multiselect
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:1001
+msgid ""
+"If you would prefer to perform configuration manually, leave all servers "
+msgstr ""
+"Eskuzko instalazio bat egitea nahigo baduzu, utzi zerbitzari guztiak hautatu "
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:2001
+msgid "Nagios web administration password:"
+msgstr "Nagios web kudeatzaile pasahitza:"
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Please provide the password to be created with the \"nagiosadmin\" user."
+msgstr "Mesedez ezarri \"nagiosadmin\" erabiltzailearen pasahitza."
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"This is the username and password you will use to log in to your nagios "
+"installation after configuration is complete.  If you do not provide a "
+"password, you will have to configure access to nagios yourself."
+msgstr ""
+"Hau da nagios instalazioan konfigurazioa amaitu aurretik saioa hasteko "
+"erabili behar diren erabiltzaile-izen eta pasahitza. Ez baduzu pasahitzik "
+"ezartzen nagios saio hasiera zure kabuz konfiguratu beharko duzu."
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:3001
+msgid "Password confirmation:"
+msgstr "Pasahitz berrespena:"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:4001
+msgid "The passwords do not match"
+msgstr "Pasahitzak ez datoz bat"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:5001
+msgid "Enable support for nagios 1.x links in nagios3?"
+msgstr "Nagios 1.x loturako gaitu nagios3-an?"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:5001
+msgid ""
+"Please choose whether the Apache configuration for nagios3 should provide "
+"compatibility with links from nagios 1.x."
+msgstr ""
+"Mesedez hautatu Apache zerbitzariko nagios3 konfigurazioak nagios 1.x "
+"bertsioko loturekin bateragarritasuna mantendu behar duen ala ez."
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:5001
+msgid ""
+"If you select this option, the apache configuration used for nagios will "
+"include directives to support URLs from nagios 1.x. You should not choose "
+"this option if you still have nagios 1.x on your system, or unpredictable "
+"results may occur."
+msgstr ""
+"Aukera hau hautatuaz gero apache nagios-en konfigurazioak nagios 1.x "
+"bertsioko loturak onartzeko direktibak izango ditu. Ez zenuke aukera hau "
+"onartu beharko dagoeneko 1.x bertsioetako nagios bat sisteman abiarazirik "
+"baduzu edo emaitza aurre-ikustezinak gerta daitezke."
diff -Nru nagios3-3.0.3.old/debian/po/fi.po nagios3-3.0.3/debian/po/fi.po
--- nagios3-3.0.3.old/debian/po/fi.po	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ nagios3-3.0.3/debian/po/fi.po	2008-09-21 15:16:11.940604000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: nagios3\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-31 15:50+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
+"Last-Translator: Esko Arajärvi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Finnish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Poedit-Language: Finnish\n"
+"X-Poedit-Country: FINLAND\n"
+#. Type: multiselect
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:1001
+msgid "Apache servers to configure for nagios3:"
+msgstr "Apache-palvelimet, joiden asetuksia muokataan nagios3:a varten:"
+#. Type: multiselect
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:1001
+msgid "Please select which apache servers should be configured for nagios3."
+msgstr ""
+"Valitse minkä Apache-palvelimien asetuksia tulisi muokata nagios3:n "
+#. Type: multiselect
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:1001
+msgid ""
+"If you would prefer to perform configuration manually, leave all servers "
+msgstr "Jos haluat tehdä asetukset käsin, älä valitse mitään palvelinta."
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:2001
+msgid "Nagios web administration password:"
+msgstr "Nagios-verkkoylläpidon salasana:"
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Please provide the password to be created with the \"nagiosadmin\" user."
+msgstr "Anna salasana käyttäjätunnukselle ”nagiosadmin”."
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"This is the username and password you will use to log in to your nagios "
+"installation after configuration is complete.  If you do not provide a "
+"password, you will have to configure access to nagios yourself."
+msgstr ""
+"Tämän käyttäjätunnuksen ja salasanan avulla voidaan nagios-asennukseen "
+"kirjautua, kun asetusten muokkaus on päättynyt. Jos salasanaa ei anneta, "
+"täytyy nagiokseen pääsy asettaa käsin."
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:3001
+msgid "Password confirmation:"
+msgstr "Salasanan vahvistus:"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:4001
+msgid "The passwords do not match"
+msgstr "Salasanat eivät täsmää."
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:5001
+msgid "Enable support for nagios 1.x links in nagios3?"
+msgstr "Otetaanko nagiosin version 1.x linkkien tuki käyttöön nagios3:ssa?"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:5001
+msgid ""
+"Please choose whether the Apache configuration for nagios3 should provide "
+"compatibility with links from nagios 1.x."
+msgstr ""
+"Valitse tulisiko nagios3:n Apache-asetusten olla yhteensopivia nagios 1.x:n "
+"linkkien kanssa."
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:5001
+msgid ""
+"If you select this option, the apache configuration used for nagios will "
+"include directives to support URLs from nagios 1.x. You should not choose "
+"this option if you still have nagios 1.x on your system, or unpredictable "
+"results may occur."
+msgstr ""
+"Jos valitset tämän, Apachen nagios-asetuksiin sisällytetään tuki nagios 1.x:"
+"n URLeille. Tätä ei tulisi valita, jos järjestelmässä on edelleen nagios 1.x "
+"asennettuna, koska seuraukset eivät ole ennustettavissa."
diff -Nru nagios3-3.0.3.old/debian/po/pt_BR.po nagios3-3.0.3/debian/po/pt_BR.po
--- nagios3-3.0.3.old/debian/po/pt_BR.po	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ nagios3-3.0.3/debian/po/pt_BR.po	2008-09-11 19:17:31.695564000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+# nagios3 Brazilian Portuguese translation.
+# Copyright (C) THE nagios3's COPYRIGHT HOLDER
+# This file is distributed under the same license as nagios3 package.
+# Bruno Gurgel Gomes de Oliveira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 2008.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: nagios3_3.0.3-1\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-31 15:50+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-07-25 19:40-0300\n"
+"Last-Translator: Bruno Gurgel Gomes de Oliveira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Brazilian Portuguese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"pt_BR utf-8\n"
+#. Type: multiselect
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:1001
+msgid "Apache servers to configure for nagios3:"
+msgstr "Servidores apache a serem configurados para o nagios3:"
+#. Type: multiselect
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:1001
+msgid "Please select which apache servers should be configured for nagios3."
+msgstr ""
+"Por favor, selecione quais servidores apache deverão ser configurados para o "
+#. Type: multiselect
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:1001
+msgid ""
+"If you would prefer to perform configuration manually, leave all servers "
+msgstr ""
+"Se você preferir realizar a configuração manualmente, não selecione nenhum "
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:2001
+msgid "Nagios web administration password:"
+msgstr "Senha de administração web do Nagios:"
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Please provide the password to be created with the \"nagiosadmin\" user."
+msgstr "Por favor, forneça a senha a ser criada com o usuário \"nagiosadmin\"."
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"This is the username and password you will use to log in to your nagios "
+"installation after configuration is complete.  If you do not provide a "
+"password, you will have to configure access to nagios yourself."
+msgstr ""
+"Este é o nome de usuário e a senha que você usará para acessar sua "
+"instalação nagios depois que a configuração estiver completa. Se você não "
+"fornecer uma senha, você mesmo terá que configurar o acesso ao nagios."
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:3001
+msgid "Password confirmation:"
+msgstr "Confirmação de senha:"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:4001
+msgid "The passwords do not match"
+msgstr "As senhas não coincidem"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:5001
+msgid "Enable support for nagios 1.x links in nagios3?"
+msgstr "Habilitar suporte para links do nagios 1.x no nagios3?"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:5001
+msgid ""
+"Please choose whether the Apache configuration for nagios3 should provide "
+"compatibility with links from nagios 1.x."
+msgstr ""
+"Por favor, selecione se a configuração do Apache para o nagios3 deve "
+"fornecer compatibilidade com links do nagios 1.x."
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:5001
+msgid ""
+"If you select this option, the apache configuration used for nagios will "
+"include directives to support URLs from nagios 1.x. You should not choose "
+"this option if you still have nagios 1.x on your system, or unpredictable "
+"results may occur."
+msgstr ""
+"Se você selecionar esta opção, a configuração do apache usada para o nagios "
+"incluirá diretivas para dar suporte a URLs do nagios 1.x. Você não deveria "
+"escolher esta opção se você ainda tem o nagios 1.x no seu sistema, ou "
+"resultados imprevisíveis podem ocorrer."
diff -Nru nagios3-3.0.3.old/debian/po/ru.po nagios3-3.0.3/debian/po/ru.po
--- nagios3-3.0.3.old/debian/po/ru.po	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ nagios3-3.0.3/debian/po/ru.po	2008-09-16 06:59:46.112483000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# translation of ru.po to Russian
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Yuri Kozlov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 2008.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: ru\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-31 15:50+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-09-15 19:06+0400\n"
+"Last-Translator: Yuri Kozlov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Russian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+"Plural-Forms:  nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%"
+"10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
+#. Type: multiselect
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:1001
+msgid "Apache servers to configure for nagios3:"
+msgstr "Серверы apache для настройки под nagios3:"
+#. Type: multiselect
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:1001
+msgid "Please select which apache servers should be configured for nagios3."
+msgstr "Выберите серверы apache, которые нужно настроить для nagios3."
+#. Type: multiselect
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:1001
+msgid ""
+"If you would prefer to perform configuration manually, leave all servers "
+msgstr "Если вы хотите выполнить настройку вручную, то ничего не выбирайте."
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:2001
+msgid "Nagios web administration password:"
+msgstr "Пароль для веб-администрирования Nagios:"
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Please provide the password to be created with the \"nagiosadmin\" user."
+msgstr "Введите пароль для создаваемой учётной записи \"nagiosadmin\"."
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"This is the username and password you will use to log in to your nagios "
+"installation after configuration is complete.  If you do not provide a "
+"password, you will have to configure access to nagios yourself."
+msgstr ""
+"Вы будете использовать эту учётную запись и пароль для доступа к nagios "
+"после завершения настройки. Если вы не укажите пароль, то вам нужно будет "
+"настроить доступ к nagios самостоятельно."
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:3001
+msgid "Password confirmation:"
+msgstr "Введите пароль ещё раз:"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:4001
+msgid "The passwords do not match"
+msgstr "Пароли не совпадают"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:5001
+msgid "Enable support for nagios 1.x links in nagios3?"
+msgstr "Включить поддержку ссылок nagios 1.x в nagios3?"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:5001
+msgid ""
+"Please choose whether the Apache configuration for nagios3 should provide "
+"compatibility with links from nagios 1.x."
+msgstr ""
+"Выберите, нужно ли настраивать Apache в nagios3 для предоставления обратной "
+"совместимости по ссылкам с nagios 1.x."
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:5001
+msgid ""
+"If you select this option, the apache configuration used for nagios will "
+"include directives to support URLs from nagios 1.x. You should not choose "
+"this option if you still have nagios 1.x on your system, or unpredictable "
+"results may occur."
+msgstr ""
+"Если вы ответите утвердительно, то в настройку apache, который используется "
+"с nagios, будут включены директивы для поддержки URL-ов из nagios 1.x. Лучше "
+"не включать поддержку, если в системе ещё используется nagios 1.x, так как "
+"это приведёт к непредсказуемым последствиям."
diff -Nru nagios3-3.0.3.old/debian/po/sv.po nagios3-3.0.3/debian/po/sv.po
--- nagios3-3.0.3.old/debian/po/sv.po	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ nagios3-3.0.3/debian/po/sv.po	2008-09-18 07:30:52.659562000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# translation of nagios3.po to swedish
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Martin Bagge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 2008.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: nagios3\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-31 15:50+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-09-17 23:30+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Martin Bagge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\n"
+"Language-Team: swedish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+#. Type: multiselect
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:1001
+msgid "Apache servers to configure for nagios3:"
+msgstr "Ange vilken apacheversion som ska förberedas för nagios3:"
+#. Type: multiselect
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:1001
+msgid "Please select which apache servers should be configured for nagios3."
+msgstr "Ange den apacheserver som ska ställas in för nagios3."
+#. Type: multiselect
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:1001
+msgid ""
+"If you would prefer to perform configuration manually, leave all servers "
+msgstr ""
+"Om du föredrar att ställa in apache manuellt markerar du inte något av "
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:2001
+msgid "Nagios web administration password:"
+msgstr "Lösenord för nagios webbadministration:"
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Please provide the password to be created with the \"nagiosadmin\" user."
+msgstr "Ange lösenordet som ska användas för användaren \"nagiosadmin\"."
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"This is the username and password you will use to log in to your nagios "
+"installation after configuration is complete.  If you do not provide a "
+"password, you will have to configure access to nagios yourself."
+msgstr ""
+"Detta användarnamn och lösenord använder du för att logga in i din "
+"nagiosinstallation. Om du inte anger ett lösenord här måste du ställa in "
+"nagios manuellt."
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:3001
+msgid "Password confirmation:"
+msgstr "Upprepa lösenordet:"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:4001
+msgid "The passwords do not match"
+msgstr "Lösenorden stämmer inte överrens"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:5001
+msgid "Enable support for nagios 1.x links in nagios3?"
+msgstr "Aktivera stöd för länkar som de såg ut inagios 1.x?"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:5001
+msgid ""
+"Please choose whether the Apache configuration for nagios3 should provide "
+"compatibility with links from nagios 1.x."
+msgstr ""
+"Ange om du vill att inställningarna i Apache ska ha stöd för länkar från "
+"nagios 1.x."
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../nagios3-common.templates:5001
+msgid ""
+"If you select this option, the apache configuration used for nagios will "
+"include directives to support URLs from nagios 1.x. You should not choose "
+"this option if you still have nagios 1.x on your system, or unpredictable "
+"results may occur."
+msgstr ""
+"Om du väljer detta alternativ för nagios så kommer stöd för URL:er från "
+"nagios 1.x aktiveras. Du ska inte aktivera detta om du fortfarande har "
+"nagios 1.x instllerat på ditt system, konflikter kan då uppstå."

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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