tag 499108 + pending

OoO En cette  matinée pluvieuse du mardi 16  septembre 2008, vers 10:05,
Damia Soler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> disait :

> This bug is a security bug, but I consider it minor.

> The file robots.txt has been deleted (or not included), from the
> upstream package.

> This file is not informative and must be included on
>    /var/lib/roundcube/robots.txt

> with the content on the upstrem package.

Hi Damia!

Thanks for  the report.  Unfortunately, we are  not sure  that Roundcube
will be available as /. In the default configuration of Apache, we don't
choose the location but we  suggest /roundcube. The robots.txt will have
no use here. For lighttpd, the default configuration is /roundcube.

Of course,  this is better than nothing  to include it, so  I have fixed
this in the SVN.
printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Short circuit detected on the lobe\n",
        2.4.0-test2 /usr/src/linux/drivers/net/tokenring/lanstreamer.c

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