Guillem Jover <> writes:

> Hi!
> There's not yet a multiarch spec, and dpkg does not support multiarch
> in any form. We are working on it. The multiarch paths are something
> to be considered pretty stable, but not the new control field. Also
> some of the patches do not seem right, as they change upstream files
> to use DEB_*_GNU_TYPE directly.
> So, maintainers, please do not apply any of these patches yet, at least
> until we have some form of draft of the spec, or better yet until dpkg
> does actually support multiarch.
> thanks,
> guillem

Taking this to debian-dpkg for another round of discussion that will
not change anything on the 5 year old multirach proposal. The
multiarch proposal has not changed in the last 5 years going through 3
debconf talks and test implementations.

The design is such that multiarch packages remain 100% compatible to
even oldstable. If anything breaks that is a bug in the patch then and
needs to be rectified. So please do already test the patches even if
you don't want to upload them yet.


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